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The Launch the Caribbean Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights Observatory – Caribbean SRHR Observatory

The Launch the Caribbean Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights Observatory

Established in 1971, the CFPA is a CSO with a strong regional presence, comprising 16 members in Dutch, English and French speaking Caribbean countries. It is an accredited Member of the IPPF and part of the Americas and Caribbean Regional Office (ACRO).

The CFPA promotes SRHR and gender equality with particular focus on marginalized populations, providing SRH services, education and awareness, and advocacy to end discrimination against women, girls, LGBTIQ+ persons and persons living with disabilities.

The Association addresses a range of SRHR and gender equality issues, and supports the rights of all persons, including youth and persons of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and abilities, to make decisions about their bodies.

The CFPA works to promote the prevention of unplanned pregnancy and the right of women’s choice and bodily autonomy, the right of adolescents to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), and the elimination of GBV.

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